Terms of Payment
Which payment methods can I use?
- - You can make your payments at once or with instalments using your credit card in our web site with all security certificates and you can also choose to make cash or credit card payment at the door.
Which bank cards allow payment in instalments?
-You can pay in instalments using Axess, Wing and Fish cards offered by Akbank and Citibank, World card offered by Yapi Kredi, Vakifbank and Anadolubank credit cards, Finansbank credit cards, Maximum cards offered by Is Bank A.S. And Ziraat Bank, Bonus, Miles&Smiles, Amex, Flexi cards offered by Garanti Bank, Denizbank, TEB, Sekerbank. ING Bank, Eurobank and Tekfen. You can make advance payments with credit cards other than the credit cards listed above. If you desire, you can make your advance payments using the POS machine of the bank that issued your card. If POS system of the relevant bank is not available in our system, then you can choose TEB bank for your advance payments.
Are product prices inclusive of VAT?
- In www.vekem.com, price of every product is inclusive of VAT.
Is it safe to shop using my credit card?
- You will have full-scope security while shopping in www.vekem.com with your credit card. The highest security standards are used for every shopping session and you can shop freely without risking your safety with SSL Security Certificate. State-of-the-art technology and best service providers are used for your safety. Third persons cannot have access to your personal information and all information entered at your browser are encrypted in each page for your protection.
How and when do I get refunded after product return or cancellation of an order?
- Your balance is refunded online to your credit card after product return or cancellation of an order. The reflection of the returned amount to your credit card account varies depending on the bank. If you chose to make the payment in instalments, the relevant amount is refunded at once to the bank that issued your credit card. Following this step, the bank deposits and withdraws the amount of monthly instalment to your card (they are indicated with (+) and (-) in your bank statements). This operation continues for number of months equal to the number of instalments. However, for example, if you paid the 1st or 2nd instalments before the refund, the 1st and 2nd instalments are deposited to your account but they are not both deposited and withdrawn as is done with others; only the amount of (+) instalment is deposited. You can see these amounts as (+) balance in your credit card statement for the month you are required to make payment.